Monday, August 15, 2022

The Vera Road Wolves - Field Observations

Field studies of the domesticated Vera Road wolf pack, currently consisting of two females.  Wolf #1 is approximately 64 months of age, and wolf #2 is a juvenile, approximately 17 months.  

These are the headless carcasses of the Stuffus Wieneratta, the preferred prey of the semi-domesticated black wolf.  Wolf #1 tends to leave the carcasses in an orderly arrangement, while # 2 never displays such preference.
The wolves methodically decapitate the passive stuffed wieners, and with apparent great relish tear out the squeaker.  The carcasses are carried about in the den until all entrails have been expelled and a mere empty hide remains.   
Wolf #1 is shown inspecting the Gigantic Stuffus Wieneratta, not her preferred prey.  After the population of small stuffed wieners is depleted, the giant wieners are then hunted by necessity.  
The giant stuffed wieners arranged side by side, with the much smaller stuffed wiener carcass shown for scale.  This evidence indicates the observed preference for the pink or red wieners by both wolves. Note the mangled ear of the red giant wiener but the blue giant wiener is fully intact after the same amount of time in the wolf den (8 months).  

The demise of the red Gigantic Stuffus Wieneratta observed in the field 5:30 am, August 15, 2022. While the head remains intact, the brains have been removed and spread about the den by wolf #2.  Even for a dispassionate observer, the brave grin of the blue giant stuffed wiener is hard to bear.

The Vera Road Wolves

Wolf #2 on the left, wolf #1 on the right. Sleeping mattresses are not shared but no violence has ever been observed over food or possession of either the stuffed wieners or the gigantic stuffed wieners.