Monday, February 24, 2025

Careening Planet, Mothership, Portal or Cloud? It's A Cloud. It's Always a Cloud.

On the morning of February 21, 2025 at approximately 7:08 am, on location in Wabaunsee County, Kansas, I witnessed a phantom planet drawn close to the earth.  Or, a mothership in the east.  Or, an enormous portal that dwarfed the sun.  Or, I was dreaming. 

I found my glasses and got out of bed to look through the window, the upper pane that has no screen.  What was I seeing?

It was nearly sunrise,  but partially hidden by the timber behind my house was an enormous orb. It  appeared to be a near planet, the way they are depicted in science fiction movies. It was electrifying! Had Mars been knocked out of orbit into a collision with the earth?  Probably not. (Would we not have felt a disturbance in the force?)

Were the extraterrestrials at long last returning to earth, the gigantic spherical mothership parked between me and the sun?  No.  Millions of people would have already seen it.  Someone would surely have called me by now. (That would be news worth more than a text, right?)

Still awash in the brain waves of the dream state, maybe I was capable of seeing a portal of space/time, or a spiritual gateway - in my pasture. Maybe.  (My dogs were behaving as if I was pretty darned wide awake.)

I went to the other east windows to try to get a better view.  The orb did not shift or change from a different angle so it was, in fact, very large or very far away.  I decided to just observe it.  I thought maybe I should try to photograph it.  If it was real, it would show up in a photo.

So, I photographed it, knowing the true size, the strangeness, or the wonder of it, whatever it was, would not translate.  It was underwhelming in the photo.  I waited until the sun was up then photographed it again to get a comparison in size.

Ultimately, I thought it had to be a cloud.  (A perfectly round, featureless, unchanging cloud that I have never witnessed in all the decades of cloud watching I have logged?) Occam's razor instructs us to prefer the hypothesis that requires the fewest assumptions. For a few glorious moments, I thought the world had shifted.  


Here is the photo of the strange anomaly.  I tweaked every aspect I could to try to better see it. In this extreme zoom it is pixilated but it was smooth and perfectly round to the eye.  

Here is the sun rising behind it, for comparison.  Using my circle templates, I measured the "mothership" as 1-7/8" on the screen while the diameter of the sun measures 11/32".


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

We Grieve When Nothing is Lost


In a remote realm of perfection, there was a just monarch who had a wife and a wonderful son and daughter.  They all lived together in happiness.

One day the father called his children before him and said:

"The time has come, as it does for all.  You are to go down, an infinite distance, to another land.  You shall seek and find and bring back a precious Jewel."

The travelers were conducted in disguise to a strange land, whose inhabitants almost all lived a dark existence. Such was the effect of this place that the two lost touch with each other, wandering as if asleep.

From time to time they saw phantoms, similitudes of their country and of the Jewel, but such was their condition that these things only increased the depth of their reveries, which they now began to take as reality.

When news of his children's plight reached the king, he sent word by a trusted servant, a wise man:

"Remember your mission, awaken from your dream, and remain together."

With this message they roused themselves, and with the help of their rescuing guide they dared the monstrous perils which surrounded the Jewel, and by its magic aid returned to their realm of light, to remain in increased happiness for evermore.                                                                              

                                                                              - Thinkers of the East by Idries Shah - 1971

Human beings, each one of us, catch glimmers of the Light.  We feel the celestial chord.  Sometimes it is a conscious, resounding flash.  Often it is a whisper, a fleeting sigh in the first stirring breeze of sunrise.  Maybe it comes in an dream, forgotten except for a sustained peace for a day or so. There are moments of delight with family or friends.  The generous earth herself often sounds the clarion.

As beings with a vocal language, the gift we evolved into alphabets in order to share across time and distance, the written word often incandesces, illuminating another bit of the mystery.

"You are to go down, an infinite distance, to another land."

It is why we grieve when nothing is lost, when we weep in the full light of day.  

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

We Need More Freshly Baked Bread


Almost every morning I have the idea that I will quickly finish the chores so I can drive to Manhattan for freshly baked bread and a flat white. It requires very little to change my mind - too cold, too tired, too far, too wasteful, too fattening.  It also elicits a touch of depression.  A genuine bakery does not exist in Topeka. A bakery is too woke, I guess.  

Next, inevitably, I think I could bake my own bread.  There is enough time in my day, every day, that I should get in the habit of baking my own bread. I wonder if I lived on freshly baked bread and whole milk, would I eventually weigh a thousand pounds or would I lose weight? Become young again? Be happy despite the "generally wretched times" we live in?

My grandmother often made bread, baked in the oven of a large wood burning stove.  The aroma of the rising dough was an elixir of comfort and love that I experienced no where else in my life, not then and not since. The yeast and baking bread and burning wood created a deeply satisfying warmth that nourished me to my very center.  Grandma loved me.  Simply.  And never once in her long life did she ever hurt my feelings or make me feel bad about myself.  She was the only one.  Maybe that is why freshly baked bread is disproportionately delicious.  It is, after all, merely yeast and flour.  Hardly a complicated list of ingredients. 

My grandmother was a loving old woman. The worst thing I ever heard her say was to call a particularly unpleasant woman an old heifer.  There were several women she deemed old heifers. I think an old heifer is a double insult, as a heifer is actually a cow that has not yet given birth. You had to be a horrible person to have my sweet old granny say such a thing about you.

She was a musician, an accomplished pianist.  There was a long list of songs she could play from memory. Once in a great while, when the whole family was gathered, she could be persuaded to open the parlor and play for us.  The old piano was so terribly out of tune, but it mattered not.  The longer she played, the livelier the tunes and the more complicated the music.  A brief island of light and ease in all of our lives. She outlived her music and piano playing skill. I was not around for all those years that she surely filled the air with her joyful music.  

It was not until her funeral that I learned that one thing she did to earn money as a young woman was to break horses for people. How did I not know this about her?  That was important information that someone should have told me! I never had the chance to ask her a thing about it!

She rode a horse to school. She explained the purpose of those enormous horse blanket pins to me.   You pinned the horse blanket closed over your legs when riding in the cold.  She often told of her father hauling a piano home in a wagon with a team of big work horses.  It must have been one of her favorite memories.

Her father called her Babe.  When she cut off her long hair the way the young women were doing in the Twenties, he was shocked.  He asked, "Babe, what have you done to your hair?"  She said she never cut her hair again. She was the oldest daughter of ten children.  I wonder if he called all of his daughters "Babe", or if that was his name just for her. She clearly loved her father dearly and missed him her entire long life.  Just as I have missed her.

Another year passes into the mystery of wherever time goes.  We consume our time whether we wish to or not.  Such a strange state of affairs for a sentient being to find herself in.  People we love so deeply and dearly, like our fathers and our grandmas and our children and grandchildren, all strung along a deep river of time.  Some come and go quickly and others stay the distance but, ultimately, we are all separated.  Someone can be gone for a lifetime yet we love and miss them as acutely as when they lived.  I am not sad about this, though it seems tragic from our point of view in our finite lives.  Once we are gone, either simply vanished into the ethers or expanded into an infinite knowing, it is all good because:  what a gift a life is... how delicious freshly baked bread clearly music is joy made dearly we love one another.  

As is my custom, I wish:

Peace on Earth and Good Will to (some) men.  From the old lady, the supreme beings, and the German Shepherds of Spiritcreek.